Family of Nicasius^4 (Nicholas)Van Wickle(n)

Nicasius Van
Wickle House: This building was built in the Federal Style, Pre-revolution.
It and the earliest section of the Buckelew Mansion are the only architecturally
surviving buildings in town to last from the 17th and 18th centuries. Van
Wickles were prominent early Dutch settlers. In 2005, the building was renovated
and altered, losing almost all of its historical character, in order to house
professional offices.
The photo is
pre-2005, courtesy of Cyndy Mack, via 11Feb07 email.
Nicasius^4 (Nicholas) Van Wickle(n)
(Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1728, Somerset County, NJ
Married: Catherine (Tryntie) Boice, (b. 1730, New Brunswick, NJ) 27 May 1749 (license)
1. John^5 Van Wickle, b. 23 August 1749, Raritan, NJ
2. Simon^5 Van Wickle, b. 22 February 1752, Raritan, NJ
3. Geradina^5 Van Wickle, b. 6 June 1754, Middlesex Co., NJ
4. Siche^5 Van Wickle, b. 10 August 1757, Middlesex Co., NJ
5. Evert^5 Van Wickle, b. 21 March 1761, Middlesex Co., NJ
6. Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle, b. 10 May 1770, Matchaponix, NJ (The Nicasius DeSille Bible, held since 1614 includes
this date for Jacob^5 Charles VW)
Nicasius' parents are Simon and Geradina
(Kouwenhoven) Van Wickle(n)
Trintie's parents are John and Fytie/Seitje (____) Boice.
Background information:
Nicasius^4 Van Wickle(n) (Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. abt. 1728 in Somerset County, NJ. and died 1801 in
MIddlesex County, NJ. He married Catherine (Tryntie) Boice 27 May 1749. She was b. 1730 and bap. 19 April 1730 in New
Brunswick, NJ. Nicasius^4 came to use Nicholas later in life and spelled his surname to Van Wickle. He moved from Raritan
to a farm at Matcheponix, South Amboy Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey 1761-1764. Tax list of 1780 shows him with
300 acres, 7 horses, 19 horned cattle, 5 hogs, and 1 slave with L5000 at interest. Nicholas made his will 7 Feb 1801, proved 10
Jun 1801. His first wife is variously recorded as Tryntie, Catrina, and Catherine BOICE.
Catherine died before 1778 and Nicasius' second marrage (April 1778, Philadelphia, PA) was to Margaret Donaldson. Margaret died 21 August 1802.
Children: John^5 Van
Wickle, was b. 23Aug 1749 (Raritan, NJ) and m. Ann Rue (1767) in Somerset, NJ. John moved to
Sodus, NY where he remained and left many descendents. He d. 1829. Simon^5 Van Wickle was b. 22 February 1751 (Raritan,
NJ) and remained in South Amboy Township, Middlesex County, NJ. He m. Catherine Johnstone abt. 1776. He d. May 1825.
Geradina^5 Van Wickle was b. 6 June 1754, Raritan,NJ and was bap. 30 June 1754, New Brunswick, NJ. She m. Henry
Dillentash, Jr. (12 April 1779-license). She died January 1844. Siche^5 Van Wickle was b. 10 August 1757, Raritan, NJ and was
bap. as Seytie on 28 August 1757. She m. Archibald Gordon 12 April 1779 (license).
Evert^5 Van Wickle was b. 21 Mar 1761, Raritan, NJ and bap. 11 May 1761. He m. before 1784 to Anna Johnston, Raritan, New Jersey. He is listed as Captain Evert
Van Wickle 8/29/1790 Militia Reg. Ontario County Military Commission. He moved to Sodus, NY (now Lyons in Wayne
County, NY) around 1797 and was of Sodus in the 1800 census. He moved soon thereafter to Angelica, NY.
Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle was b. 10 May 1770, Matcheponix, NJ and was bap. 24 June 1770. He m. Sarah Morgan in 1795. He lived in
Spottswood, New Jersey. Jacob’s sons, Jacob Charles^6 and Stephen^6 became planters in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.
Daughter Sarah Hyacinth^6 VW moved to Louisiana as well and m. Increase Stoddard Wood. He died 6 April 1854.
Bible of Nicasius DeSille (1614) for bap/b. dates of Trintie Boice, and daughters, Geradina and Siche. (courtesy Michael Wolfe
in 14 June 2000 email)
Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 251.
Harry Macy research notes on Nicasius^4 Van Wickle...
NJHS Pr 54-122 - 1761-4 removed from Raritan to Matcheponix, Monroe, Twp, Msx Co, NJ, as 1761 Evert b. Raritan per FB
but 1764 "Nicase" VW of Co of Msx chosen a guardian of Mount nephews.
Will 7 Feb 1801 prob 10 June 1801 (Trenton Wills Bk 39, p. 376; file 98912) - wife Margaret - 4 sons, John, Simon, Evert, Jacob
and 2 daus, Dina wf Henry Dillentask (Delatush, orig. De la Touche) and a 2nd dau who m. Archibald Gordon (=Sytje) NJP
Nicasius and wife Catherine signed a deed 1 May 1776 (pp 122-2) - she died before 1790.
Nicholas inherited the old de Sille Bible, printed Arnheim 1614 and in it he recorded the births of his children, adding to each
"Hopes he will be raised in the fear of the Lord."
He is called "Necows" when dau Gerredina bap., "Neios" when dau Seytie bap., and "Necase" when son, Evert was bap.
Appears on 1778-80 tax list, So. Amboy, Msx Co. per KSR, Revy Cen, NJ, 1972 (w/sons John and Simon)
On board of chosen freeholders (of Middlesex Co. from S. Amboy; probably came into Old Bridge area (East Brunswick Twp)
GMNJ 50-141 - Rateables in So. Amboy Twp., March 1780 - Nicholas Vanwicklen - 300 acres, 7 horses, 19 horned cattle, 5
hogs, 1 slave, L5,000 at interest (Sept list Vanwickley, same exc 6 horses + 22 cattle). John and Simon also listed.
2nd wife--dau. of Wm and Margaret Donaldson of Darby, PA and widow of Gustavus Hamilton and Capt. Lambert Tree (2
sons by 2nd). Aug 22, 1802 Rector John Croes of CC, NB wrote to her son Lambert Tree in Phila that she had d at NVW's
suddenly the prev. evening about 70. He wrote at request of Mr. Jacob VW
Reichner - 171 - his farm at Matcheponix was near Jamesburg and is site of present (1918) reform school. He and wife Cath
conveyed 1 May 1776 to Cornelis Low and 1 Jan 79 226A in Perth A to Edwd Thomas (Deeds A-282 Somerville and Book
A.N. 377, Secy of State, Tr.) Copy of his will at GSPa(RP) refers to m agnt.
August 1782 SA rate list he has 5 whites in household (John 7, Simon, Evert)
August 1784 has 4 plus 7 blacks
Information from Anita Clayton, descendent of John^6 Dillatash, visited the site
of the old Nicasius homestead, and wrote this in a 15May06 email.
I went to the Jamesburg Youth Correctional
facility in Monroe, Middlesex, NJ several years ago (razor wire and all). I had
to have a connection to get it. It was formerly Nicasius VW's farm I understand,
but I have not done deed work on that. Anyway, there is a small cemetery which
was the family cemetery to begin with and is now the family cemetery, with about
75 pretty but only surnamed stones for the "inmates." And there are a couple of
family markers remaining. Henry Delatush's stone is there and a stone in very
weathered and lichen covered condition. In Memory of Mary ??, wife of Evert Van
Wickley, daughter of Stephen Johnson? who died Mar 14 [or 24], 1874, 18 years, 6
months, 17 days? --all questionable and the light wasn't very good for reading
the stones. The correctional facility is at end of Grace Hill Road and was
started 1866 more as an orphanage than the youth prison it is today. Supposed to
be the old homestead of Nicholas Van Wickle. Henry's farm was next to it.
Cemetery is in rail fenced plot, quite large, about 75 graves, big old live oak
trees, fancy stones with only last names for the boys. Henry's stone had old
style angel with flowing hair carved at top. Family stones very weathered and
lichen covered and the sun not right to read. Took pictures. Two stones, extreme
left corner, next to W. Barry, one for Mary? wife of Evert Van Wickley, dau. of
Stephen Johnson? Next to that -- Henry Delatush, May 31? 1813, age 73 years, 1
m. and blank d. all questionable.